Falling at the Speed of Sound


Brandon Landsbergen and Lili Popper created a capturing and inviting presentation of Felix Baumgartner attempting the highest free falling record. Landsbergen and Popper used great visuals that grabbed the audiences attention. There were also some videos that were incorporated as well. The use of the motion in prezi was not too over done as in some of the presentation I saw while exploring. Popper ad Landsbergen make short jumps but large enough jumps so to not allow previous points to be overlapped and overwhelming.

The presentation is very informative. They provided some information about the suit that was going to be used. They also gave information of what Felix Baumgartner was potentially going to experience on his drop since this was before the actual event. However, I do wish they have explored more into the suit Felix used since it is interesting to see the technology used, whether being the electronics or the specific fabrics.

This digital essay gives me the motivation to provide visuals for the viewer, especially since I had difficulty giving a certain visualization in my previous essays. But now I have the opportunity to show with images and videos what my topic really is about along with the words. These visuals will help me paint that picture I had a hard time putting into words.

One thought on “Falling at the Speed of Sound”

  1. It seems like you are quite excited about the opportunity to produce this digital essay. That, in turn, makes me excited. I appreciate that you recognize that the visual component of these kinds of essays needs to work with the words, written and/or spoken. Visuals can be “over done” as you say. Be very intentional with your choices!

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